Rogue application, Invisibledmg

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Rogue application, Invisibledmg

Post by Invisibledmg »

Section 1 - About Yourself

1. Real name: Nick Bitter
2. Age: 17
3. Location: The netherlands

4. Why do you want to join CTSamurai?:
Because of the people I know in CTSamurai and I'm interested in raiding often. I also am familiar with the system and like it.
5. Do you have friends in the guild who would recommend you? If so please state who, and how you know them:
No, I don't.
6. What guilds have you been in and why did you leave?:
Fortune coockies while leveling my character, left becuase of the raiding intentions I had, CTSamurai, left because I acted silly, while raiding and now I am in Hellfrost, interested in leaving because of the people I know in here. hellfrost is a great guild with many nice guys, but I miss raiding with certain people.
7. Have you read the pages marked About and Apply linked at the top of this page and the Brief Guide to Ranks and Raiding on the Join CTSamurai forum?:
I readed those a long time ago, passed it now.
8. What do you enjoy doing most in WoW?:
Raiding and arena.
9. How often do you play?:
You have experienced me, hard to say. Yet, I will be active like fuck in the vacation except when I am on vacation.
10. How experienced a player would you say you were (how long have you played your character and to what stage of raiding have you achieved)?:
I've played my rogue quite a while, raided 6/6 ssc and 4/4 tk since yesterday. Also did 3/5 mh and 1/9 bt.
11. What is your biggest weakness as a player?
Acting silly
12. Tell us a little about yourself and your interests outside WoW:
I love playing soccer, going out and doing random games with frends besides wow. Nothing special really. (Except pestering Peterr! :>)
If you answer no to any of the following questions please elaborate with a reason

13. Do you have first aid skill 375?
What is first aid? :<
14. Are you able to install addons such as CTRA/oRA2?
Ye, but ain't needed. Got ctra installed alrdy.
15. Are you able to install and use TS2 and be able to listen to it every raid?
16. Are you able to raid between the hours of 20.15 and 00.30 server time Wednesday to Friday evenings and 14.15 till 18.30 server time Saturday and Sunday afternoons (Please note you do not have to be able to attend all these time slots but an indication of how many of these slots you can attend will be useful)?
Normally I can attend to all of the raid of that times, since I'm having vacation. Yet, when I'm ogingn out or when I'm having more important stuff then wow to do irl, I will pass certain raids.

Section 2 - About Your Characters (please repeat this section for each character applying for membership)

1. Name: Invisbledmg
2. Race: Night Elf
3. Class: Rogue
4. Level: 71
5. Build type: Depending really, I raided as combat lately, but I can raid as sub as well.
6. Why did you choose it and explain why it is a good spec: Depends on the spec, combat is quite nice in raids, it improves your dps compared to sub, yet sub improves your durability an awfull lot. Can be nice at progress raids for example.
7. List your attunements / heroic keys: All
8. Paste a link to your Armoury profile here. If you have additional sets of equipment (resistance gear, off-class gear, etc) you should give details of these as well: ... visibledmg

If the armory isn't working, simply add your name to the end of: ... visibledmg

Section 3 - Other Characters (please repeat this section for each character not applying for membership)
1. Characters: All alts
2. Class, Level: Multiple classes
3. Guild: Most are in Fortune coockies two
4. Reason for not applying: None are level 70, which enables them to come to raids.

Ps: I know I had been acting like shit the last couple of weeks I've been in cts and left on a shit way. I jsut wanted to tell you this will never happen again, still when you decide to deny me because of that period, I would understand it. For any more things you want to talk to me about, just contact me ingame. Probably online ^_^